Actress Anne Heche has many nude and sex scenes in her acting history. Most of them are really juicy, and sexually intense. She had many lesbian sex scenes as well. And we did our best to collect some of the best Anne Heche sexy photos.
Anne Heche is 51 years old and is an actress that’s been in the movies from her early 20s. In 2017 she hosted some less famous radio show. She had a tragic childhood and she spoken about being raped by her father as a child. And that could be the reason for her to accept all these intense sex scenes to fight her depression.
Anne Heche was in public lesbian relationship with Ellen DeGeneres, and it made her a lot of problems back in early 90s. When lesbian and gay relationships where seen as unwelcome and big sin. When Anne went public with Ellen, she was fired from Six Days. Harrison Ford, her co-star, fought in her corner though and reportedly said: “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a fuck who you’re fucing, we have a movie to make. Let’s make it the best one ever.”
Anne Heche Nude Lesbian Sex Scenes in Wild Side Movie
First 3 lesbian sex scenes are all with Anne Heche and Joan Chen both fully nude in first one. They are in bed, rolling around naked and having nice sex. In 2nd scene we see them kissing in a dressing room as Anne sits on a counter before Joan moves away. And we see Anne Heche naked tits while topless. Next scene was cut from original video, so its fully R rated lesbian sex scene. That one didn’t get part in original movie for its controversy! Last scene was nice heterosexual sex scene where we see Anne Hache naked in bed with a guy who plays with her boobs as she rides on top of him!
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Anne Heche Sex Scenes from Spread Movie
In first scene we see Anne Heche having sex with a guy in bed. The scene ends with Anne lying on her back with her tits fully naked and visible. In 2nd scene we see her having sex with guy all over the house. On top of a table before the guy goes down on her to lick her wet pussy. And pulls her down off the the table, briefly showing her ass. Then Anne is riding a guy on sofa out on the deck. Lastly, we see the couple having sex on the edge of a hot tub. Other two scenes are just some more Anne Heche naked having really wild sex with a guy she is in love with.
Sexy Anne Hache Bikini and Hot Photos Collection
Although she did act in many controversial sex scenes for her time. Anne Hache had really limited number of private nudes. So we collected some of the best sexy photos of Anne Hache including her hot bikini photos.